
The Saga of the Socks, Part I

This saga is an update from 2021, and was the precursor to the Part II saga printed last week. I was asked to update Part II wherein I was able to get socks for free, so I ran that one first, out of order, just because I was asked to run it, and I’m a pushover for a complimentary request. Since last week I’ve been asked “What happened in Part I?”, so I’ve updated and tweaked Part I here. I apologize for being out of sequence in the Saga of the Socks updates. I enjoyed living these little escapades, and enjoy the retelling almost as much as living it, so thanks for your indulgence, and I hope you enjoy reading these.

Retirees: Talk finances with your grown children

When you’re retired, you’ll likely have somefinancialconcerns—justlikeallretirees. However, if you’ve invested regularly and followed along-termfinancial strategy, you should be abletoaddressmostissues that come your way. But there’s one important action that’ssometimesoverlooked by retirees: sharing their financial situation with their grown children. And this knowledge can benefit everyone in your family. You might be surprised by the concern your children have for your financial well-being. Consider these findings from a 2023 study by Age Wave and Edward Jones:

Child care centers closing across state

An unprecedented number of child care centers are expected to close across the state as pandemic relief funding ends, the Texas Standard reported. A survey conducted by the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children of about 1,600 child care programs indicated 44% were likely to close their doors without additional funding. Federal pandemic relief funds ended for most centers in June.

Paragraphs & pixels

“It’s not because we’re so powerful; it’s because information is so powerful.” —Canadian Record publisher Laurie Brown to Judy Woodruff on “PBS News-Hour,” Aug. 2, 2023 If you live in a small town—as most of you do who are reading this— you’ve no doubt seen how swiftly hearsay can steal a march on truth.

The 501

What’s the difference between a violinist and a fiddler? Not the instrument. By any other name, a violin is a fiddle is a violin.

The Saga of the Socks, Part II

This saga is an update from 2021, so if you missed this the first time around, please read on, and if you remember it, please read on also as I’ve added the photo of the young lady in this and tweaked a few words in this “sock incident”. At the end of a long trip through China, with many meetings and dinners andhavingonlyChinesefood for several weeks, I was looking forward to arriving in Beijing tocatchmyflighthometo the USA. While I like Chinese food, I was hungry for a good burger. NexttotheGreatWall Sheraton Hotel in Beijing in theChaoyangDistrictwasthe Hard Rock Café, and I knew they had good burgers. After checking in at the Sheraton that evening, I walked to the Hard Rock and had a good dinner. (I saw an on-line article a few years ago that the Hard Rock Café Beijing was closing due to “sluggish business”. That is a shame, it was a good place. Wish I had bought a T-shirt from there. I have photos of it but no souvenirs.) It had been a good productive trip, and I was tired but feeling well-fed, happy with the work results, and looking forward to going home.