
Where do Fortune Cookies come from?

InjustabouteveryChinesefoodrestaurant in the USA, at the end of the meal, we expect to be served that ubiquitous little dessert, the fortune cookie. We eagerly crack it open and pull out thelittleslipofpapertolearn what our future will bring. The message in the fortune cookie may include an inspiring message, ancient wisdom, a vague prophecy of love, harmony and fame, a Chinese phrase, or a list of lucky numbers. The little bow-shaped cookie is so associated with Chinese food and Chinese culture, the meal doesn’t seem complete without it. It’s a crispy, sugary cookie made withflour,sugar,vanilla,andsesameseedoil.

Chocolate Mug Brownie Cake

Chances are, you’ve heard of personal mug cakes and brownies. They are the individual serving you can bake inthemicrowaveforjustafew minutes. They’re perfect for thosetimeswhenyouhavebit ofasweettooth,butyoudon’t wanttospendthetimetobake anentirecake.Orperhapsyou don’t wish to have a whole cake tempting you to come back for more servings.

Hospital District volunteers celebrated

KNOX CITY – Volunteerism is one of the most direct ways one can give back and make a difference in their community. At Knox County Hospital District (KCHD), volunteers make a difference in patients’ lives and play an essential role in the hospital district’s ability to provide compassionate healthcare services.

Plant a tree on Arbor Day

National Arbor Day is the official day to plant and care for trees. It is celebrated each year on the last Friday in April.


- Abraham Lincoln The saying “time flies when you are having fun” holds a lot of truth. It is my columns l-year anniversary. Where has the year gone? Looking back on previous columns I have noticed not only did they get longer, but they have become more personal. Working at the library over this year has made my love and appreciation for libraries deeper. A new-found respect has come to me.

Words to live by for those over 60

Former Editor James McAfee sent this to me a few days ago, author unknown. These are wise words indeed for those over 60, and interesting to note for those not yet 60 … Between 60 and death. It’s time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it. Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it. Warning: This is also a bad time for investments, even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof. They only bringproblemsandworries. This is a time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Baked Blueberry Oatmeal

Oats are so versatile. I grew up with quick-cooking oats and old fashion rolled oats. My mom fed us well and stirred up a pot of warm oatmeal quite often. I liked them with the basic pat of butter, splash of milk, and a spoonful of sugar.

Planting asparagus

For gardeners wanting a perennial that is a faithful producer, asparagus is for them. Spring is the optimum time of the year to plant asparagus since plants in early spring have the most rapid growth.