
Distracted driving is deadly driving

CHILDRESS – You know that feeling of being bored behind the wheel? So bored that you just can’t help but check your phone? Yeah, that feeling. Instant gratification is only inches away, right up to the moment your car is airborne at 70 mph.

A prophet of smoked meat

As the creator and producer of “The Sound of Texas,” one of the longest running syndicated radio programs in Texas, Tumbleweed seeks fascinating people who embody the spirit of the Lone Star State and brings them into the homes and hearts of thousands.

Meet Jayla Sanchez, candidate for Munday City Council

MUNDAY-JaylaSanchez is running for one of the three seats open for the 2-year term on the Munday City Council. A lifelong resident, Jayla and husband Junior Sanchez are raising their three children, Parks (9), Leegan (7) and Sutton (3), here in Munday.

Meet Pate Stewart, candidate for Munday school board

MUNDAY - My name is Pate Stewart and I am seeking re-election to the Munday CISD school board for a third term. Serving as your representative has been a privilege, and I am committed to continuing the important work we’ve started together.

Smoke and fire on March 31 in office being remodeled

MUNDAY – Around 8 a.m. on Easter Sunday Mar. 31, the VFD responded to a call of smoke from an office that was being remodeled located on Munday Avenue across the street from the fire station. The VFD sprayed water in the building and entered the building to locate the source of the smoke. No one was found in the building and no injuries were reported.